Makhmalbaf Family Official Website - وبسایت رسمی خانه فیلم مخملباف


To be a god and suddenly not to be a god

In Conversation with Mohsen Makhmalbaf the director of the film "The President"

What was the inspiration for telling this story?

The script for The President was written and re-written...

Post date: Wednesday, 27 August, 2014 - 11:00

Interview: " Iranian director Mohsen Makhmalbaf defends Israel visit after outcry " THE GUARDIAN

The Gaurdian
16 July 2013


Makhmalbaf says he travelled to Jerusalem film festival as 'ambassador for peace' and received a warm welcome

Post date: Tuesday, 16 July, 2013 - 20:20

Spanish press interview with Mohsen Makhmalbaf



"I'm a director who wants to change the world through my cinema"
Mohsen Makhmalbaf landed in Spain this week imbued with the spirit of the May 15 protest movement. The Iranian director and screenwriter of films such as Gabbeh (1995), A Moment of Innocence (1995...

Post date: Thursday, 26 May, 2011 - 23:00

Interview with Mohsen Makhmalbaf by Korean magazine "Film 2.0"

Interview by: Film 2.0
June 26, 2007

Q: What's the reason that you accept this position? and how do you feel about that? What do you expect from 2007's AFA? 

I regard myself a member of the family of...

Post date: Tuesday, 26 June, 2007 - 23:00

" Cinema, My Last Childhood Doll "


Interview with Samira Makhmalbaf:

Q: A bomb was thrown at you while making the film Two-Legged Horse.
Samira: Yes we were shooting in north Afghanistan in the city of Sarpol. It was our 40th day of shooting. The scene took place in the old...

Post date: Saturday, 2 June, 2007 - 00:00

Interview: Marziyeh Meshkiny interview about her film Stray Dogs

Why would an Iranian director choose to make a film in Afghanistan?
I was born in Iran, but the entire world is my home. I have learned that film-making can be a way of alleviating the...

Post date: Friday, 3 September, 2004 - 18:00

Interview with Mohsen Makhmalbaf about his film Kandahar

Kandahar must be the first fictions film about Afghanistan for a very long time. How did the project for this film come to life?

Mohsen MAKHMALBAF: Some documentaries have been made on the Pakistan – Afghanistan border and also in the north of the country ruled by Ahmad...

Post date: Tuesday, 10 April, 2001 - 11:00

Interview: The Day I Became a Woman

Film International

Interview with Marziyeh Meshkiny (Director of The Day I Became a Woman)
Film International: As a woman filmmaker did you face any particular problem?
Marziyeh Meshkiny...

Post date: Thursday, 21 December, 2000 - 15:30

Angry Young Woman

The Guardian
15 December 2000
By Sally Weale

Interview With Director Samira Makhmalbaf
Samira Makhmalbaf is 20 years old. She has a girlish laugh and likes skating, swimming and cycling. She is also the youngest director...

Post date: Friday, 15 December, 2000 - 16:30

Interview with Samira Makhmalbaf on her film Blackboards

Director's interview: 

Why did you choose Kurdistan as the location of your film The Blackboard?
The story of my first film THE APPLE took place in Tehran, which represents a part of Iran....

Post date: Friday, 5 May, 2000 - 13:00

The Youngest Female Director in the World

The Youngest Female Director in the World
April 2000,
Interview with Samira Makhmalbaf on her film Blackboards
○ How do you feel about being accepted to the most important section of the cannes festival (competition section) as the...

Post date: Sunday, 30 April, 2000 - 12:30

Interview: Everything started with a nice picture

Interview with the director Hana Makhmalbaf about her film "The Day My Aunt Was ill"
How old are you Hana?
-       8 years old
How do you feel about the fact that your film has been chosen by the Locarno Film Festival?...

Post date: Monday, 23 December, 1996 - 11:00
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